Active measures
Analysis | How do I use filters?
Analyze - Import work history
Analysis | What do the different tags mean?
Jobs | How do I create / edit a job?
Job valuation - What is it?
Automated analysis (Alpha)
Factor plan | Job evaluation in Sysarb
Factor plan | How is the weight calculated per factor?
Analyze - Equal jobs
Analyze - What is a tag and how do you use it in your analysis?
Analyze - Comparative jobs
Organize - Group
Organize - Job valuation
Report Tab
How do I change the name of a pay equity audit?
How do I import individual employees for a pay equity audit?
How is the Salary Dispersion calculated?
How do I create a list of which non-female-dominated job need to be analyzed?
How do I remove the job "Anställningar att koppla"?
How do I choose to handle a job that is female-dominated even if it is not this year?
Benchmark data
Settings | Hide works in analysis
Pay equity audit settings
Settings regarding selection for analysis - pay equity audit
I want to take a compilation report from the pay equity audit, how do I do it?
Adjusted pay gap
Pay Philosophy
Steps of the pay equity audit
Pay equity audit report
Employment | How do I move employees between different jobs?
Employment | How do I remove an employment from the Pay equity audit?
Key figures, salary ratio | If the value for Salary% (K / M) is within one percent from one hundred. Does the wage difference then need to be analyzed?
Should hourly employees be included in the salary file?
What is an pay equity audit?
What is meant by equal and comparative job?
Why do some employees need to be connected manually?
Why do I not see all female-dominated jobs in the tab "Analysis, Comparative jobs"
How to create a new pay equity audit?