To activate global overview, go to settings under your login icon.
Go to the pay equity audit settings tab in the menu and activate global overview.
Introducing the new starting page of the Sysarb platform, the Global Overview!
From here you will get a good look at all your data summarised, you will be able to see your total employee count, the gender distribution, your unadjusted pay gap and the equality timer for your entire organisation.
The colour of the country in the world map defines the status of the pay equity audit in the country.
Yellow = Not started
Green = Completed
Blue = In progress
Red = Over due
You can also swap view to view all of your pay equity audits in a list.
Going back to the map view, if you hover your mouse over a country you will be able to see some data for that country only, you will also see the status of the pay equity audit/audits.
So for example you could have multiple audits for the same country if you are making the analysis on different legal entities.
If you click on a country in the map you will get to this view below. There you can see your ongoing and completed audits, and you can continue your work by clicking on the blue button at your next step in the pay equity audit.