Much of the good has an end, although we hope that this will not apply to your cooperation with us.
Should it be the case that for some reason you choose not to extend your agreement with us, we think it is important that you get your work from the system, which can later form the basis for future salary mapping work.
The responsibility for saving the material lies with you and you are expected to do this before the agreement expires.
Our recommendation is then that you bring this with you: (Note this applies to the respective salary mapping in the system)
Under the heading Documentation you can download the following:
- Job valuation & valuation result
- Factor plan
- Pay equity audit works
- Analyze equal jobs
- Analyzes, Comparative jobs
- Compilation
- Compilation - Employees
- Active measures
- Final report template
- Summary report
Our hope is of course that you will not have to use this guide, but if the need still arises, we hope that it is a good help to you and wish you good luck with your continued work!
If you as an existing customer want to clear among your salary mapping / data in the system, you can extract your information from the system in the same way as described above.