Before you can set your budget, you must first choose your budget settings.
You can find the settings for your budget under the "budget" step in your salary review.
The settings you have to choose between are:"Work with budgets"
If you choose "create budgets", you will be able to create and send out budgets as an administrator that your managers have.
If you choose "manager sets budget", the manager will not receive any budget at all and will have free reign to set salary as desired.
"Contribution to budget"
If you choose "employees", you will base your budget on each employment that exists in your selection.
If you choose "units", you will base your budget on each unit that is included in your selection.
"Multiple pots"
If you choose "single salary pot", you will only be able to create a budget for one increase.
If you choose "two salary pots", you will be able to create a budget for two increases.
This is usually used for initiatives or the application of minimum wages.
"Salary contribution to budget"
If you choose "base salary", the budget calculations will be based on the base salary.
If you choose "total salary", the budget calculations will be based on the total salary.
This only applies to monthly salaries.
If you have chosen the wrong budget settings, you can change them via "settings" which you can find by clicking on the three dots next to the name of your salary review.
In the settings, you should be on the "budget" tab.
To be able to edit your budget settings, you must not have any budgets, so make sure to remove them before editing the settings. If you have any budgets created, you will see a text that says you must remove them first before you can edit.
After you have chosen the settings, you must create your budget. You do this by clicking "add budget."
The first step is to choose a name for your budget and write any comments regarding the budget.
The next step is to choose the selection that your budget will apply to. Those selected in the selection are those who will contribute to your budget. The list for selection will look different depending on whether you chose employees or units in the budget settings.
The final step is to calculate your budget. There you can choose what your budget will be based on. In the dropdown list, you can choose between average working time, percentage, or currency. When you have chosen how your budget will be calculated, you just have to choose how much.
Between each step, you must mark it as done. When you mark a step as done, you lock the previous step from being edited. You also cannot begin working on the next step until you mark the step you are on as done.
After the budget is created, you can publish your budget to your managers. You do this by clicking the "publish" button and then choose salary review and publish.